The Institutional Investor Gap in Space (and How to Close It)
Day: Monday 14 October
Time: 17:20 - 18:05 CEST
Location: Red Hall, Level 1, North Wing, MiCo Convention Centre
The space ecosystem has attracted tens of billions in venture and superangel funding, resulting in hundreds of startups and innovation across all space markets. Many space startups have deployed capabilities and grown, and are attractive targets for acquisition or are big enough to be acquirers themselves. In addition, the economic context has changed, and some firms are facing challenges that can attract acquirers looking for bargains. Government budgets are shifting, with national security space becoming more prominent and new nations joining exploration programs. Smallsat systems are poised to change telecommunications, depending on how their business cases play out. In this context of change, growth, challenges, and consolidation, where do the biggest investors fit? What will it take for private equity investors, institutional investors, large sovereign wealth funds, and other major financial players to focus on the space ecosystem? This panel will explore the views of world leading investors on space as a domain for investment and on what it will take to fully bring space businesses into the financial mainstream.