Heads of Think Tank: Quo Vadis Space Sustainability
Day: Thursday 17 October
Time: 14:50 - 15:35 CEST
Location: Red Hall, Level 1, North Wing, MiCo Convention Centre
Every year the IAC brings together space agencies, industry, emerging space-faring states, and future generations. Nonetheless, the voice of the international think tank community remains missing. The think tank ecosystem is vibrant, and its expertise is essential to navigating the changing dynamics of the space sector. As core members of civil society, think tanks have a stated mission to provide informed advice to decision makers and play a crucial role in shaping and advocating for a flourishing and responsible space industry.
In alignment with the IAF's motto "Connecting @ll Space People" and its mission to foster partnerships and knowledge sharing, this Global Networking Forum, jointly organized by the European Space Policy Institute and the Center for Space Policy and Strategy, will feature high-level representation from the global think tank community. Under the overarching theme of IAC 2024 "Responsible Space for Sustainability," the event will delve into the multifaceted aspects of space sustainability and best practices for engaging international stakeholders in sustainable initiatives.
Moderated by Peggy Hollinger, international business editor of The Financial Times, the event will explore three key facets of space sustainability:
The role of space technologies in facilitating the Green Transition, ensuring their impact on decarbonizing non-space industry sectors and incorporation into future Green Transition policies.
Achieving NetZero targets within the space sector, focusing on reducing environmental footprints across development, manufacturing, launch, and operation.
Ensuring the safe and sustainable use of the space environment amid increasing government and commercial satellite deployments, while fostering innovative approaches to safety, security, and sustainability.
Panellists, heads of leading think tanks, will offer insights into global sustainability efforts' future directions across technical, legal, and policy dimensions. The global and multisectoral outreach of the proposed speakers will ensure a high participation rate and serve as a stimulus for enlarging IAF involvement to the think tank world, academic community, and organised civil society.