Late Breaking News: Unveiling of a new cosmic vision from Euclid

Day: Tuesday 15 October
Time: 18:15 - 18:35 CEST
Location: Auditorium, Level 3, South Wing, MiCo Convention Centre

Euclid is a mission from the European Space Agency to uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy, which are thought to make up 95% of the Universe yet cannot be directly observed. To reveal the ‘dark’ influence on the visible Universe, Euclid is observing the shapes, distances, and motions of billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years. Over the next six year, Euclid will cover a significant fraction of the sky creating, in this way, the largest cosmic 3D map ever made.

A completely new view of the Universe taken by Euclid during its first year, will be unveiled in this session. A first glimpse to this unpublished image will show Euclid’s capabilities to its fullest and will be a teaser of the type of science that is coming up next year with the first Euclid data release from the nominal survey.

A review of the mission’s milestones and some of the first scientific results will be presented just afterwards at the Highlight Lecture “Euclid Mission: Unveiling the Universe” by the Euclid team.

Opening Remarks


Director General, European Space Agency (ESA)




Director of Science, European Space Agency (ESA)
