New lunar frontiers: how the non-space industry is unlocking future markets
Day: Tuesday 15 October
Time: 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
Location: Auditorium, Level 3, South Wing, MiCo Convention Centre
This plenary event will reflect on the future landscape of space exploration, from the perspective of the non-space sector. By showcasing a unique group of leaders in their fields, the discussion aims to challenge our traditional approach to space and inspire a collaborative vision for unlocking the Moon’s potential.
The panel discussion will highlight a set of unique collaborations between space and the fields of design, biofarming, pharma and nuclear energy. A particular emphasis will be placed on the exchange of technology and know-how between space and non-space sectors, exploring how it can propel future advancements in exploration. This includes considering the impact on global economies, innovation, and the broader societal implications of a thriving lunar economy.
In addition to sharing new and inspiring approaches to exploration, this panel aims to encourage the audience to engage in and promote more cross-industry collaborations.