Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)
University • Member since 2011
Graz University of Technology is an important university in the international research and education network of engineering and science. It is rich in tradition and future oriented in equal measure, with a claim to excellence in its top fields. Based on scientific bachelor’s programmes, it concentrates on research-oriented master’s and PhD programmes.
Graz University of Technology produces top performers and managers much in demand and contributes to the sustainable development of society, economy and environment in a responsible way. In its areas of excellence, Graz University of Technology counts among the top 10 European universities. It cultivates a well-balanced relationship between basic and applied research. Its expertise makes it a preferred co-operation partner of industry and business.
The master’s and PhD programmes of Graz University of Technology are very much in demand internationally. Graz University of Technology is significantly increasing the achievement potential and attractiveness of Styria as a location for technology, science and education, and sees itself as a gateway to Southeastern Europe.
Its family and women-friendly orientation and its diversity management make it a desirable employer. Graz University of Technology has a strong alumni network for mutual support and advancement.
Rechbauerstrasse 12
8010 Graz
Austria - 0043 (0)316 873/0
- GNF > Thursday 24 October 2019: IAF GNF Legal and Policy Stream > Governance of Space Activities – Comparative Studies on National Space Policy and Law