National Space Science Agency (NSSA)
Space Agency and Office • Member since 2021

NSSA seeks to establish a sound infrastructure for the observation of outer space and the earth, make Bahrain a leader in space science and technology, build a culture and methodology of scientific research within the kingdom and encourage technical innovation, among other goals. NSSA is interested in satellites to obtain data, to use them for remote sensing and to conduct advanced space research, so it can be the engine for the state in the use of the latest satellite communication technologies. NSSA's main projects are as follows:
- Building and launching nano satellites
- Building and launching remote sensing satellites
- Establishing a ground station
- Establishing labs for processing space data and images
- Capacity Building and awareness
- Utilizing Bahrain License for Geo Orbit
2nd Floor, Building 702 (Ports and Maritime) Road 1510, Block 115
Po Box 51115 Hidd