Portuguese Space Agency
Space Agency and Office • Member since 2021

The Portuguese Space Agency, Portugal Space is an organization created by the Portuguese government to implement the National Strategy for Space (Portugal Space 2030). The Agency’s primary purpose is to promote and strengthen Space in Portugal, its ecosystem and value chain, for the benefit of society and economy in the country and worldwide, acting as a business and development unit for research entities and companies. Portugal Space coordinates the Portuguese participation in several international organizations such the European Space Agency (ESA) and advises the Portuguese government on the contributions and subscriptions made to ESA. Portugal Space also coordinates the Portuguese participation in European Southern Observatory (ESO), in the European Solar Telescope (EST) and in the recent SKAO (Square Kilometer Array Organization) as a founder member. Portugal Space is also the national representative for Portugal to the European Commission for matters related to Space, namely the European Union Space Program (Copernicus, Galileo, GOVSATCOM, SSA) and Horizon Europe and has a seat in the Board of the GSA (future EUSPA).
Palàcio das Laranjeiras, Estrada das Laranjeiras, 205, RC
1649-018 Lisbon
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