Telespazio S.p.A.
Space Industry • Member since 1987

Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%), is one of Europe’s leaders and one of the world’s main players in satellite solutions and services. The company has its headquarters in Rome, Italy, and is supported by a staff of approximately 2500 people.
Telespazio operates worldwide through numerous companies, and has a wide international network of space centres and teleports. In particular, it is present: in France with Telespazio France, in Germany with Telespazio VEGA Deutschland, GAF and Spaceopal (a joint venture in which the German space agency DLR holds a 50% interest), in the United Kingdom with Telespazio VEGA UK, in Spain with Telespazio Iberica and in Romania with Rartel. Telespazio has a consolidated presence in South America with Telespazio Brasil and Telespazio Argentina. In Italy, the company is also present through e-GEOS (in which the Italian Space Agency holds a 20% interest).
Telespazio is a leading company in “key” sectors for public institutions, business operators and consumers, with activities ranging from the design and development of space systems to the management of launch services and in orbit satellite control, from Earth observation services, integrated communication, satellite navigation and localisation, to scientific programmes.
Telespazio relies on a wealth of experience of the highest level, stemming from technological expertise acquired over 50 years of business practice. The Company’s experience is also drawn from the management of space infrastructure- including the Fucino Space Centre, one of the world’s largest civilian teleports- as well as from its qualified involvement in space programmes of great significance, including: Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus, COSMO-SkyMed and SICRAL.
The company now covers the whole space market value chain through its three lines of business: Satellite Communications, Geo Information, Satellite Systems and Operations.
Telespazio responds to new demands in the market with innovative ideas and solutions. Today, more than ever, Telespazio is a true innovator, transforming what were once just possibilities into real services available to an increasingly wide audience worldwide.
Via Tiburtina, 965
00156 Roma
Italy - 0039 06 40791
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