Turkish Space Agency (TUA)
Space Agency and Office • Member since 2021

- Preparing National Space Program,
- Preparing strategic plans that include medium and long-term goals, basic principles and approaches, goals and priorities, performance criteria, methods to achieve them and resource allocations for space and aviation science and technologies.
- Disseminating the use of space and aviation technologies, developing scientific and technological infrastructures and human resources in the field of space and aviation technologies.
- Deciding on the use of the rights under national sovereignty regarding spacecraft and space systems, determining the procedures and principles for the management and exercise of these rights and to fulfil the requirements of national obligations regarding these rights.
- Keeping records of objects launched into space in accordance with international conventions on behalf of the Republic of Turkey, carrying out registration procedures with the United Nations or authorizing them to carry out registration procedures.
- Carrying out plans, projects and studies in order to ensure the design, production, integration and necessary tests of all kinds of products, technologies, systems, facilities, tools and equipment related to space and aviation.
- Granting and coordinating the necessary permissions and coordination for the domestic launch, orbit and return of satellite and spacecraft to be sent to space by public institutions and organizations and private sector organizations along with recording notifications regarding launch, orbit and return from abroad.
Muhsin Yazicioglu Caddesi, Cankaya, No:51/C Kat:3-4-5
06530 Ankara
Türkiye - https://tua.gov.tr/en