Published on August 31, 2021
Dubai: Leading by Example with Effective Response to Pandemic
IAC 2021 in Dubai Ensuring Strong Health and Security Measures

In preparation for the IAC 2021 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates to take place from 25 - 29 October 2021, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) would like to share with you some information about the health situation in Dubai.
The UAE has always been prepared to deal with various crises head-on. This is evidenced by the country’s impeccable response to the pandemic, thanks to the wise leadership’s prompt response and implementation of strict precautionary measures.
Following the pandemic outbreak, the government stepped up its efforts to monitor market conditions and communicate with the private sector and the larger society. Strong precautionary protocols were also adopted to safeguard public health and ensure business continuity. On the basis of real-time data and analysis, this facilitated a quicker return to normal life and the restoration of economic activities in record time.
The UAE community also played an integral role in rising to the challenge by strongly adhering to all government mandated measures, which include the Stay at Home initiative, guidelines for social distancing, staying indoors during times allocated for the National Sterilisation Programme and also getting vaccinated during the national vaccination campaign.
The UAE embarked a nationwide vaccination campaign in December 2020 and more than 17.3 million vaccine doses have been administered till date. The UAE is currently one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, with more than 80 percent of the eligible population being vaccinated.
Dubai's tourism has also gathered pace despite the current challenges faced by international markets. Dubai's ability to implement a rigorous precautionary protocol regime has made the city one of the world's safest destinations for travelers. According to the latest data published by Dubai Tourism, the emirate received more than 1.7 million visitors between July and December 2020 from markets that were open, and an additional two million visitors in the first five months of 2021.
As Dubai gets ready to welcome visitors to the International Astronautical Congress 2021 and the Expo 2021, the exceptional standards that have helped Dubai to be one of the fastest cities to recover from the pandemic and one of the safest cities in the world will continue to be effective in providing the highest benchmark of safety and security for all visitors.
To register to the IAC 2021, click here.
Safety Measures Placed During IAC:
- Masks should be worn at all times
- Keep 2 meters distance from other visitors
- Disinfection protocols are followed in all public areas
- Buffet allowed if 2 meters social distancing guideline is followed and only if served by waiting staff or served to guest on tables (no self-service allowed)
- Sanitisers readily available at multiple locations
- Counters, seats and tables are disinfected after every use
- Exhibition halls shall close at 10pm for daily sterilisation and sanitization
- Real time monitoring of crowd density
- Air change rate in the halls is 8 times per hour. Air extraction in the halls is pre-scheduled and all hall shutter doors will be kept open both before and after the event to assist with air circulation
- Exhibition hall capacity to apply the minimum 2m social distancing corresponding into 1 person per 4sqm gross. Observe the maximum capacity guideline for each area
- Aisles shall be minimum 2.5m width one way and 4m for 2-way traffic
- Contactless transactions are encouraged
- Avoid shaking hands and exchanging business cards
- If you are feeling unwell, please visit the clinic, located at Al Wasl Reception (beside Hall 5) Tel: +971 4 306 4040