Published on July 17, 2020
IAF distinguished service award: 2020 winners
The IAF Distinguished Service Award is intended to reward active volunteers for their distinguished service to the activities of the Federation and we are very pleased to announce the award recipients of the 2020 IAF Distinguished Service Award

Anna Guerman
“A Strong Cross-Pollinator of Astrodynamics in IAF and IAA”

Kathleen Howell
“Outstanding Competence and Continuous Dedication to the IAF Astrodynamics Committee and Astrodynamics Symposium for over Twenty Years”

Tom Krimigis
“For his outstanding services to the Federation as an active IPC member and co-chair as part of the symposium on small satellite missions, for over 25 years”

Ali Nasseri
“Mr. Ali Nasseri has actively engaged with the activities of the IAF from its committees to the IACs and has had numerous contributions to the development of the next generation of space leaders; he is truly a role model for young professionals who wish to get involved within the IAF and contribute to the space community.”

Robie Samanta Roy
“Recognizing steadfast commitment to excellence in building Industry Day to a premier highlight of the IAC, fostering diversity and cooperation across IRC leaders and IAF member organizations”

Rainer Sandau
“For his outstanding services to the Federation as an active IPC member, co-coordinator, and co-chair as part of the symposium on small satellite missions for over 25 years being one of the early advocates and initial supporters of the topic within the IAC and IAF”

Gunter Schreier
“For outstanding services to the Federation as Chairmen of the Earth Observation Committee”