Published on March 30, 2022
IAF Distinguished Service Award 2022
Congratulations to the IAF Distinguished Service Award 2022 Recipients!

At the occasion of the IAF Spring Meetings 2022 We are extremely pleased to present to you this year's IAF Distinguished Service Award Recipients!
The IAF Distinguished Service Award was established to acknowledge active IAF volunteers for their immense contributions to the progress of astronautics and the Federation. Our sincere appreciation goes to our winners for their dedicated work and continuous support to IAF Committees, IAF member organizations, the IAF Bureau and the IAF Secretariat.
Our sincere congratulations go to:

James GRAF
Director, Earth Science and Technology, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
United States
“For exceptional service to the International Astronautical Federation over a two-decade period as a delegate, author, and leader connection with Earth Observation, Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS), and Mars-related Planetary activities”

Gabriel PONT
“For his contribution to IAF affairs, Microgravity sciences and processes Committee affairs and Microgravity Symposia organizing for already more than 10 years”

Constantinos STAVRINIDIS
"For over 40 years of selfless service to the Materials and Structures Committee of the IAF in enriching the technical contents, expanding the scope of the symposia, membership, and professional involvement, for mentoring numerous engineers and scientists from numerous countries, and for being talented consolidating leader, inspiring communicator, great researcher and dedicated promoter of the novel space structural concepts"