Honours and Awards Committee (HAC) (2024-2027)
Committee Members
See all members
Objective/Scope of the committee
The principle functions of the HAC are to:
- review the structure, terms and conditions of all the honours and awards offered by the IAF to ensure relevance, consistency and standards;
- recommend or address, as appropriate, new awards or revisions of current awards to or from the Bureau;
- have oversight, on behalf of the Bureau, of all awards made by IAF subcommittees to ensure standards;
- select from nominations for awards having no dedicated sub-committee and recommend recipients to the Bureau (e.g. the IAF World Space Award).
Committee rules for membership applications and renewal
The Committee shall comprise members nominated by the Chair from recommendations received and subsequently approved by the Bureau.
Additional members may be co-opted from time-to-time by consensus of the Committee.
The Committee members shall include individuals with experience in and active knowledge of international space activities.
The Committee should ideally comprise diverse members representing industry, academia, agencies and regions.
The IAF VP for Honours and Awards chairs the HAC Committee..