Space Propulsion Committee (2024-2027)
Committee Members
See all members
• Adachi Masaki
• Bach Christian
• Bonhomme Christophe
• Borrelli Salvatore
• Boury Didier
• Chen Yen-Sen
• Corpino Sabrina
• Di Cara Davina
• Di Clemente Marco
• Driscoll Elizabeth
• Gessini Paolo
• Gigou Jacques
• Gregucci Stefan
• Guyon Vincent
• Hardi Justin
• Henry Stéphane
• Huang Heji
• Jens Elizabeth
• Karabeyoglu Arif
• Karp Ashley
• Kobald Mario
• Lee Changjin
• Littles Jerrol
• Lovtsov Alexander
• Mansouri Jamila
• Matloff Gregory
• Mungiguerra Stefano
• Narayanan Vanniyaperumal
• Pons Lorente Arnau
• Popov Garri A.
• Saito Yuji
• Salvatore Vito
• Shimada Toru
• Toson Elena
• Traineau Jean-Claude
• Urbano Annafederica
• Wagner Nicoletta
Objective/scope of the committee
The Space Propulsion Committee addresses sub-orbital, earth to orbit, and in-space propulsion. The general areas considered include both chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion, air-breathing propulsion, and combined air-breathing and rocket systems. Typical specific propulsion categories of interest are liquid, solid, and hybrid rocket systems, ramjet, scramjet, and various combinations of air-breathing and rocket propulsion and nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems. The Committee is concerned with component technologies, the operation and application of overall propulsion systems and unique propulsion test facilities. The Committee addresses also feasibility of new missions being enabled by new propulsion systems and how combinations of propulsion technologies, such as chemical and electric, can be optimised in mission design.
Committee rules for membership applications and renewal
The Committee follows the general Terms of References of IAF Committees. New memberships are discussed between members and eventually proposed by the Chairs to the IAF Secretariat.
The Committee is intended to be formed by the right balance of international members from industry, agencies, academy and research organisations. The Committee provides equal opportunities to every candidate member. The membership of young professionals is welcomed and candidatures are carefully reviewed.
A former Chair can be appointed as one of the Co-Chairs at the end of his/her term(s).
Symposiums/sessions at the iac
C4. Space Propulsion Symposium
Currently composed by 8 sessions (1 co-organised with the Space Power Symposium). The Space Propulsion is one of the IAC Symposia with the largest number of abstracts received for each congress.
Technical meetings or events outside of the iac
A strong link has been created in the past few years between the IAF and the Space Propulsion Conference organised every two years by ESA and 3AF. IAF supports the organisation of the conference for the preparation of plenary events involving high-level representatives from Agencies and Industry/Operators.
Studies undertaken by the committee
The Committee has been involved in several IAA study groups related to Propulsion topics, through the initiatives of his members and chairs. In addition, papers on specific topics of interest for the community have been prepared by Committee members and presented during special thematic sessions of the IAC Propulsion Symposium.
Other committee activities
Activities might be initiated in the future on:
- Special thematic subjects, aiming to ad-hoc publications by the Committee
- Collaborations with other IAC Committees (i.e. Space Transportation, Exploration, etc.)
- Exchange groups between Agencies and Industry/Operators
- New IAA studies
- Thematic technical workshops
- Others