IAF "3G+" International Platform for Diversity and Equality in astronautics (IDEA) - 3G+ Geography - Generation - Gender - +

“Brilliant minds don’t have Age, Gender, Nationality or Handicap. Take the best of all and give diversity a chance!” Jean-Yves Le Gall, IAF President

iaf 3g

Under the presidency of Dr. Jean-Yves Le Gall, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) has developed the “IAF Global Innovation Agenda 2016-2019” which has opened the doors for emerging countries and new communities, putting the focus of all IAF activities on fostering the principles of “3G” (Geography, Generation, Gender) diversity within the Federation and the Space Sector.

Geographical diversity and global reach have been traditional features of the IAF since its creation. Attracting the young generation has been in the focus of the IAF during the recent years with manifold newly created activities and programmes tuned to this target community. This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of young people engaged and participating in IAF activities. Gender diversity is still an area where strong progress needs to be achieved. Dedicated promotion of opportunities for female space actors within the Federation and the space sector in general, presenting successful role models and encouraging the young generation of the female space community to aim for leadership positions shall help to reach a balanced and inclusive representation within the governance of the IAF, its Technical and Administrative Committees, as well as the IAC speakers’ and authors’ community.

To this end, the IAF has created the IAF IDEA platform which allows the Federation to take a leading role in the effort to promote and advance diversity and equality principles amongst a global space community, become an exemplary organization in terms of geographical, generational, gender and any other diversity aspects, and live up to its motto Connecting @ll Space People.

Introducing the advanced IAF Diversity initiative: “3G+”

Taking over the presidency of the IAF in 2019, Dr. Pascale Ehrenfreund has put forward the “IAF Global Advocacy Agenda 2019-2022”, focusing on the global nature of space and the continuously evolving space environment with new actors and space entrepreneurs.

With numerous space activities and technologies emerging around the world, global space economy is expanding, including new industries, players and investments. With this novel understanding of space as an increasingly collaborative business across different sectors and nations, diversity has become an essential ingredient in providing the space industry with opportunities to extend existing markets as well as to reach new markets.

Observing these new trends and developments in global space activity, and looking ahead to the next decade and beyond, IAF is tasked with playing a meaningful role in building a network of diverse minds and advancing this new emerging economy.

The IAF has introduced the new IAF Vice President portfolio for Diversity Initiatives and New Space Economy and has initiated the “IAF Space Economic Platform – Bringing Space Down to Earth/Bringing Earth Up to Space”, a complementary concept to the IAF “3G” initiative. Combining the two, the IAF has advanced its diversity initiative to “3G+”, recognizing that the “3G” elements are significant components of the new space economy.

This advanced IAF IDEA platform provides a framework for an intensive and open exchange on diversity and equality within the IAF and amongst IAF member organizations as well as potential IAF members and other organizations. On the basis of IAF IDEA, the IAF initiates a manifold of activities and programmes of different nature which are organized during the annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC), IAF Global Conferences, IAF Spring Meetings and other occasions, focusing on “3G+” diversity topics. Such events can be, but are not limited to:

  • Keynotes or lectures
  • Moderated panel discussions
  • Networking events
  • Mentoring sessions
  • Social events
  • “Diversity” Luncheons or Dinners
  • Competitions and awards ceremonies

Focus of these events shall be to contribute to:

  • Connecting and engaging space communities in remote areas to IAF activities;
  • Further increasing the involvement of and the offer to the young generation within the Federation and its activities;
    • Reviving the IAF mentoring programme;
  • Attracting specifically the female space community to become active and take over leadership within IAF bodies;
  • Providing an international platform to connect gender diversity organisations from different countries, such as WIA US, WIA Europe, WIA Canada, WIA Africa, WIA Japan, etc.
  • Establishing IAF focus on all diversity aspects and promoting diversity as a basic principle to the entire global space community.

Introducing the IAF Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Administrative Committee (IDEA)

In the framework of the International Platform for Diversity and Equality in Astronautics (IDEA 3G+ Platform), we are pleased to introduce the newest amongst the IAF Administrative committees: the IAF Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Administrative Committee (IDEA).

The IDEA Committee will inherit the role of the IAF Excellence in “3G” Diversity Award Sub-Committee concerning the evaluation of the nominations for the “IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award”, while at the same time, enlarging its scope to further deepen the efforts of the Federation towards the promotion of inclusiveness and diversity within its activities, bodies, and committees.

We are convinced that thanks to the support of the IDEA Committee members the IDEA 3G+ Platform and its activities will be enriched and widened.

IAF Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Administrative Committee (IDEA)

2024 IAF Diversity Survey


IDEA 3G+ Upcoming Events IDEA 3G+ Past Events IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award

The IAF collaborates with CATALYST


First IDEA 3G Event at IAC 2016 in Guadalajara, Mexico