Published on May 12, 2021

Only Three Weeks left to Register!

Join us and get free access to the richest Cultural and Social Programme ever offered for an IAF Global Conference!

Hurry up and register now to attend the Global Space Exploration Conference - GLEX 2021 in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation from 14 – 18 June 2021!

By registering you will get free access to the richest Cultural and Social Programme ever offered for an IAF Global Conference.

Discover the beautiful city of St. Petersburg with guided free tours of the city, explore its museums, thanks to exclusive visits carefully designed for the conference's delegates, and admire the outstanding and colorful architecture while sailing the Neva, the river crossing the whole city.

Prepare to be amazed by the wonderful Summer Palace in Peterhof, with its impressive gardens, which will be hosting the GLEX 2021 Gala Dinner.
During the evening you will have the opportunity to networking with your peers while being entertained by ballet performances by the Mikhailovsky theater.

Being part of this incredible programme is very easy, just register by 31 May 2021 and reserve your spot in the multiple excursions offered throughout the week. This way you will manage to enjoy both the #GLEX2021 Conference and the incredible city of St. Petersburg!

Find the full Social and Cultural Programme on:

Stay tuned for more information on social media #GLEX2021

Register today by clicking here